Data Controller


N.I.F.: A-79325056

Address: Avenida de Bruselas 32, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)

Phone: 91.532.06.09

Data Protection Officer:

Purpose of the processing

The data collected through the registration form will be processed in order to have access to the different tools, utilities and information provided by the Application itself, including the geolocation of your vehicle and other parameters such as the time of use, distance travelled, etc. Also, those interested who have requested it, may receive regular commercial information from the company.

The data of the Users of premium services will be used additionally for the purpose of managing the billing of those services.

The completion of the requested data through the registration form is necessary to proceed with the request of the Data Subjects.

Legitimation for the processing of your data

The legal basis for the processing of Users' data is the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, as well as the consent voluntarily given by them for the sending of commercial information of the products and services of Astara Mobility.

Following the consent given by the User for the sending of commercial communications, these will be sent personalized in order to suit your interests and preferences. For this purpose, the information that we have and that has previously been provided directly by the User derived from their relationship Astara Mobility will be taken into consideration. Under no circumstances will automated decisions with significant legal effects result from processing.

Data communication

The data collected by ASTARA will not be communicated to third parties.

International data transfers

ASTARA counts on the collaboration of several suppliers for the provision of the services and to manage the commercial relationship with the Users. Some of these suppliers are located outside the European Union (EU) and outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Where this is the case, we will use only the services of suppliers that offer sufficient guarantees of protection of information, establishing standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, and requiring specific technical and organisational security measures.

Exercise of rights

The rights that the User can exercise are:

  1. Right of access: the User can obtain confirmation on whether ASTARA processes personal data concerning him.

  2. Right of rectification: the User has the right to request rectification of inaccurate data.

  3. Right of withdrawal: the User may request that their data be stopped without undue delay, among others, because these are no longer necessary, the consent has been withdrawn, etc.

  4. Right to limit the processing of data: the User may request that his personal data not be applied to the processing operations that apply in each case.

  5. Right to data portability: the User may receive their data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format; likewise, the User may request that their data be transmitted to another Controller, whenever this is technically possible.

  6. Right of opposition: the User may oppose the processing in order for ASTARA to stop processing his data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

The User may exercise his rights by requesting ASTARA MOBILITY, S.A., Avenida de Bruselas 32. 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid or through the e-mail address .

If the User has any doubts about the exercise of their rights, they can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) to resolve any doubts about them. Likewise, interested parties may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights, in Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, contact telephone: 900 293 183 or

Security measures

ASTARA will treat all personal data with the strictest confidentiality, applying the appropriate technical and organizational security measures in accordance with the applicable legislation.

How long will we keep your data?

The data used for the sending of commercial information will be kept until the moment when the User expressly withdraws his consent and requests the withdrawal of the service of sending commercial communications.

After these deadlines, ASTARA will keep your data, duly blocked, for as long as they are necessary to meet the possible responsibilities that may arise from their treatment or to comply with the legal obligations to which they may be subject.

How did we get your data?

The data processed by ASTARA, are those that the User has voluntarily provided to ASTARA through the corresponding form.

What category of data are processed?

The categories of data that are processed are those corresponding to identifying data (name, email and geolocation).

The Application shall also process the following vehicle data:

  • Fuel

  • Energy (consumption, status, and how much is left in time and percentage)

  • Emissions

  • Acceleration

  • Distances travelled

  • Seat belts

  • Speeds (mean and real time)

  • Revolutions per minute

  • Driving time

  • Charge in amperes in real time

  • Vehicle and/or starter battery (charged, discharged, regenerating, voltage)

  • Plug-in (for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids)

  • Energy current

  • Source of energy

  • Vehicle preconditioning (air conditioning and heating)

  • Consumption (adBlue, energy, and fuels)

  • Odometer

  • Status of doors

  • State of the windows

  • Condition of the trunk door

  • Engine status (safety warnings, lock, etc.)

  • Brake status (safety warnings)

  • Coolant status (safety and temperature warnings)

  • Battery health status (health, temperature)

  • Oil status (safety warnings, temperature)

  • Power steering status (safety warnings)

  • Status of lights (safety warnings)

  • Altitude

  • Directing

  • Temperature

  • ADAS (airbag, BSM, SESP)

  • Alarm status

  • Towing state

  • Review date

  • Wheel condition (pressure, safety warnings)

Specially protected data is not processed.

Right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authorities

Users may request the protection of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights, addressing Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, contact phone: 900 293 183 and

ASTARA MOBILITY, S.A.©All rights reserved.

Last update: July 2024